I think I have had enough already!

I have never felt this alone, not in my whole life, I think!
I mean, what is the point, I once again, stood in the big city, Gothenburg,
and had no-one to call, no-one to talk to, after 15 years up here on the
west coast, one would think that I would have made at least one friend, but NO....
It is sad and very discerning..... What is it that I do wrong? Why is it that I am always
left out....
I really would like to know. Since I am in a state of confusion, most of the time, this
is confusing me even more.
Especially, since I am in a very sociable mood right now, talkative and fun to be around.
Must be that I am too much, The Bi-Polar Manic Side of me is showing, and it is an
ugly face.....
.... so I will crawl under my rock and hide, like I always do, until this passes.....!


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