Happy he is here....

According to Kalle this is his dent in the guardrail, by the bridge that
connects the island we live on with the mainland.
A couple of years ago, he had an accident with a moped. Good thing
he survived, or I would have never met him.....
He is mighty proud of this dent..... I do not understand what there is
to be proud about..... maybe one day I will understand my better half.

Early saturday morning

Took an early boatride....
.... but the weather was not on our side this time. Thunder and lightning,
lots of rain. I feel sorry for the contestants in the Triathlon, who had to
compete in these conditions.
Beautiful skyline, though....
... and I was very sleepy.....

Thoughts about graves....

This is my mom's grave. She passed away 10 years ago.
I was there yesterday and put a few yellow flowers.
I am not very often down there, so my sister tends to the grave.
Since I was in that mood, I also visited my grandmother's grave and
put some blue flowers there. She died when I was only 4 years old,
but I still have a few memories of her.
This is where my grandfather and my grandmother on my father's side
are laid to rest.
I never met my grandfather, he died a few months before I was born.
My grandmother, however, I visited quite often when I was a child.
I wish someone took better care of this grave. Maybe now that I am
down south more often, I can put some nice flowers there, and maybe
give the head-stone a good washing.
I really do not like graveyards. But then again, sometimes I do. They
give me a sense of peace and serenity. A place for thoughts and quiet
thinking....... a place where the past is present!!!


Today is a sad day. My very best friend, Catharina, was laid to rest.
She left us on Aug 7. The service was very peaceful and nice. Lots of
yellow flowers and music with lyrics that makes you think.........
I left red roses from the garden by her grave. Afterwards we went to
the family's house for some rememberance.
SHE WILL BE MISSED....... BY SO MANY........ :-(

I just had to......

Do not worry about people talking "behind your back".

It just means that you are one step ahead of them,

and they are exactly in the right position to kiss your ass!


Björkefall, with a new tin-roof. Looks real nice.
Being down here, in the middle of nowhere, at least it feels like you
are all alone, is heaven. The air is full of misty rain, the trees are the
greenest of green. Forest all around me.
I do not want to go back home. I want to stay.
This is the view from the kitchen window, peace and serenity.
Just love it.

Already gone!!

In my mind I am already gone.
I have just about had it with Sweden, the people, my living arrangement
and the fact that I am not happy.
Nobody knows how much time is left. So, why not do what makes you happy,
things that brings a smile to your face.
I am going to seriously think about making a change. And I am sad to say,
traveling by plane is a must. Have to go far, far away.
Bye bye

Just lovin' it.....

This piece of art is sitting in an airport outside Amsterdam. I just
love how relaxed they are.... Just before I took the picture, there were
children crawling all over them.
This is the kind of art I like, the kind that won't break or tear.... That you
can actually touch and understand.


This would hit the spot, right about now. In the middle of nowhere, in the south
of Sweden, no conversation, everything so tense.
I wonder what tomorrow brings?
More arguments, or peace!!!?
So tired now, of having to take all the decisions and all the blame.
Want to go my own way, but it will be a loney road.
Maybe I will try a bit longer......maybe.....

First day back!

The table is almost round, it is inviting to
sit and chat.
Felt good to be in the company of "school-people" again,
I have missed intelligent subjects to talk about, and to get
feed-back on thoughts I have and questions that have puzzled
me all summer long.
Our very very nice lunch view from out table on the porch.
And the food was eccelent, lots of veggies, yummy!
...and looking to the other side, more beautiful surrondings.
Maybe I shouln't leave this place??

Under attack...

The little one wants to play...
The old one does NOT...
She is pissed off. Getting your tail chewed on, is no fun!!
Finally, the little rascal went to sleep, and Piper can relax, in HER cat-bed.


Temptations, temptations...... Oh, how I wish I could resist!!!

Tall Ships Race around the island Tjörn!

My Sailor-look!!!
My sweetie tying us loose. We were out on the water for a good 20 minutes.
Short is sweet.
A good saturday..... overall... and now it is party-time, at least for some....
I prefer my computor and the cyber-space-world. IRL is over-rated!!!

back to work

I am back to work at my school.
Feeling pretty OK with that.
But I am dead ass tired...
.... so, over and out!
And my therapist told me some truths today.
Got alot to think about, have to process it first,
before I will take action, and actually do something about
my situation.
Be true to myself.... I think that was the message.

The little one.....new pics!!

He is a real cutie-pie, 10 week-old Balder.......
Our new kitty-cat.....

Boring Day

Raining most of the day.
Forgot my meeting.
This day really sucks.
not as much as last night.
I got really angry, and now I really
have to make a decision about where I am going to live,
and what I am going to do this fall.
Something has got to give.
This life is NOT right.
I wish I had some answers....
maybe tomorrow will be better.

I am going to miss all this..... It is time to move on.....!!!



I got a phonecall around noon today. My heart had injured himself at work
and was leaving the ferry.
So I got in the car to go pick him up and take him to the hospital.
Got both his hands caught in some filter, that he was trying to fix. The left
hand was in bandage.
Been at the hospital for hours now. It takes a while to go through all the
procedures. Now we are waiting for X-ray-doctors to look at the film, and
decide if he needs a cast or not.
And I am in the waitingroom, surfing on the internet.....
I am such a good girlfriend, big on support...... not!!!
On our way home now...... the hands are ok. But no work for a week.

I am "home-sick"

I want to go down Route 66, on a motor-cycle.
Maybe I will, one day.
Right now there is a big bike-meet in Sturgis, South Dakota.
Oh how I wish I could go.
So american.....
...and a little bit of Sweden found its way to PA.
Ever tasted this?  It is as sweet as can be.... but very wierd taste.
According to my friends at Denny's Restaurant, where it is served, the
name comes from the fact that you need to "shoo" the flies off the pie,
because the sugar attracts alot of them.
Very appetizing.......not!!

Missing the country-side, and the country!



I am very fascinated with clouds and the sky....

The sky was very different today,
depending on which direction I was looking.
Threatening clouds in the south...
....blue sky out west.
... and up north, nobody knows.
maybe rain, maybe shine.
And this one reminds me o flying high!!!

the Red Dodge RAM is here!

So, It is finally here. I bought the Red RAM
in april and just about everything with the
shipping and paperwork has gone wrong.
.... now it is sitting outside my house on
the island in Sweden.
All that is left is to get it registered. I know
Andreas, the owner is very happy and cannot
wait until it is legally on the road.
He drove the last part of the way, about 2 miles,
and he really liked it. He almost ran the mailman
off the road.....!
Damn, it looks good!!!

cleaning up the yard......

My parking skills are getting better.
I can probably fit another 2 cars here.
We have grapes growing in the yard,
I gave them something to lean on, a rope,
instead of growing on the ground,
so maybe now there will actually be grapes
in a few weeks.
Our neighbors landrover is soon done,
all the welding is done, only some bolts
and the electrical to sort out.
The boat, however, is a project that will not
get off the ground. It has been sitting there since
last spring. Do not know what is going to happen to it,
nobody has neither the time nor the energy to get started
on it. Lots and lots of hours of work is required.

Computer-malfunction.... :-(

Not to worry, Anna to the rescue. The screen on my laptop lost a few screws
and a hinge came loose. With the right tools, I was able to fix it.
Now it is as good as new.
While I was at it, I decided to peel off the protective plastic film that has been
on the laptop since I bought it 3½ years ago. Both the top of the computor and
the screen is in mint condition, just because I kept the plastic covering on.
Everybody around me, has been teasing me about that. Hey, to each his own,
right??!! My screen is like new, on this old thing!!!! :-)
Anyway, now I can add computor repair-person to my CV.  hi-hi

I just want to fly away.... like a bird or in a plane!

My Heart just came up to the cabin and gave me the news that they
asked him to stay on-board another week.
I know he wants to, his eyes light-up when he talks about working on
a boat.
So, who am I to stop him..... I just hope he can do both work and school.
It is such a good deal he is given, to be able to start university this fall
instead of waiting another year.
And me, I just want to..... I will write it again..... FLY AWAY!!

3½ years ago......the different faces of Hypo-mania

... you decide!

Thinking back.....10 years and 2 months....!!!

My mom died June 9 2001, from a rare form of "slow cancer" that
runs in our family.
I miss her very much, she was kind of my concience, always watching
over me and the boys... My sister has since then taken on somewhat
of that role... even though she does not acknowledge it.
Death is very present in my life right now. My very best friend, since
more the 40 years, is in hospital, very very sick. Bone- and lungcancer
is taking her life. I spoke with her husband yesterday, and it is only a
matter of days until she goes to heaven, only 51 years old.
My thoughts also go to her 3 children, much too early to be without mom.
She was very ill about 8 years ago, and spent more than a year in hospital,
but she got back to life. Her husband said that she had gotten a new appetite
for life, and that the past 6 years were real good.
I was very happy to hear that. Even though we only saw eachother maybe once
or twice a year, we e-mailed and talked on the phone more often.
I miss you C, wish I could go visit you now, but I was told that you do not
recognize anyone who is there, not even your family.
This is so so sad.........:-(
This one is for you, I know YELLOW is your favorite color.

Missing This...... so so much!

Something as simple as "fruit-on-the-bottom-yoghurt", can get me
real home-sick for America....
.... so will this....!
I am going to call Pennsylvania, TONITE.... need to hear some good
old american in my ears..... NOW!!!

I am the move....again!

Leaving a rainy Gothenburg.
The weather doesn't matter to me,
as long as I am moving, I AM HAPPY!!
We passed by Stena Scandinavica
on our way. Oh, how I wish I could
get a job on that boat!
...Looks like such a nice place to work.
...or maybe this ferry-line, I did apply here, too.
Very heavy rainclouds, and I can lean into the wind.
I really love this kind of unruly weather.
Fits my mindset perfectly right now.
Total chaos in my head, aswell as in my life!!
Kind of liking it, though.
The rain is really coming down now, only me on this empty deck.
Me like, very much
Yes, the sun is behind those clouds....
HAPPY, HAPPY to be here again!!


She decided she was about 4 sizes smaller than she really is,
She had to fold in paws and legs to fit in "daddy's" paper-basket.
.... without an inch to spare.
I guess nobody told her, that if you hang out with crazy people, some
of it will sooner or later rub off on you!!!! ;-)

I will let the sign speak for me today------

So, so true....!
And I do not know how to change the out-come....
Could also mean...... Sad Sad Dumb Day

My fascination with flowers continues......

The added bonus of having a really good
camera on the cell-phone helps.

My thoughts are with my long-time best friend Catharina

I am waiting for a phonecall from her husband, to hear how everything
went with the meeting with the doctor.
I want to call, but do not know if I can disturb them in this difficult time.
I will wait until tonight, then I will call, to see what is happening.
Not knowing is so...........I do not know what to say.... I am very worried.

Messy room....messy thoughts!!!

I do not know if this is the case with me?
I seem to function better in chaos than when everything is in order!!
Anyway, This was yesterday....
I will let you all know what it looks like in a few hours.
I am close to finished now.
Then, NO MORE paperwork until monday.

A day in the life of.....FREJA

Freja on the prowl....!
Ooops.. she found something moving around!
"I am gonna get it, and show how good I am....
at catching all sorts of things!!"
Looking for a new "victim"......
Resting in the shade, after a good "hunt".
"And, YES I sleep good at night!!!"
It is my job to hunt during the day!!! :-)



i really hate alcohol....!!! :-(

I think I will let these pics speak for themselves!
....I have a problem with this!!!
I do not know what to do about it, I seem to be surrounded with people
who thinks it is ok to drink every single day.
..... I like a drink called Grasshopper.
.... and Baileys is nice, but too much sugar for me.
This wine even has my name, but I still do not drink it.
What to do...?? I REALLY HATE ALCOHOL.
.But love the person who has the problem.......!!
What to do...???

I think I have had enough already!

I have never felt this alone, not in my whole life, I think!
I mean, what is the point, I once again, stood in the big city, Gothenburg,
and had no-one to call, no-one to talk to, after 15 years up here on the
west coast, one would think that I would have made at least one friend, but NO....
It is sad and very discerning..... What is it that I do wrong? Why is it that I am always
left out....
I really would like to know. Since I am in a state of confusion, most of the time, this
is confusing me even more.
Especially, since I am in a very sociable mood right now, talkative and fun to be around.
Must be that I am too much, The Bi-Polar Manic Side of me is showing, and it is an
ugly face.....
.... so I will crawl under my rock and hide, like I always do, until this passes.....!

Nice boat-ride last nite

Like to use the different kind of gadgets that is on the phone I am using
at the moment.
Looks so nice to be in the water......
.... sports illustrated, eat your heart out!!!! :-)
This is my "bad-pojke".....
In the boat, looking cool, right??
The captain of the boat.
We took a trip around the island Lyr, last nite, took more than one hour,
but the water was nice and calm, and I got alot of nice pictures of the
sunset and the nature around us.......'
Me Like


I like playing with the camera gadgets.... nice....!
I will let these pics speak for themselves!!! ............awesome!


The little itty-bitty tiny-teeny Balder,
out on his first walk on grass.
Playing with the hammer,
just like his "dad".... :-)
And look who he ran into....
the wicked witch of Halsbäck, FREJA  

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