Guess what....!!??

I am selling my cabriolet.....
I do not want to, but it is the right thing to do, under these circumstances.
Somebody already inquired about the Dodge Dakota where the other
for-sale sign is.
I am a bit sad to see them go. But they have been here 3 years now, time
to make room for new ones.
bye bye......!!


I took a "time-out" from celebrating Midsummer.
I am not so interested in eating "sill" and drinking "nubbe"
so I  took a short drive in the car....
I found a meadow where I picked some flowers.
It is a tradition to make a wreath from flowers to
put in your hair. I forgot one thing though, You are
supposed to pick 7 kinds of flowers, and put them under
your pillow. Then you will dream of your future husband.
(old wifes tale..... maybe)
This is the finished product....
And this is my "heart" modeling the "midsommarkrans"
Maybe it would look better if he wasn't wearing his tough sun-glasses,
and a bandana with skeletons...... hi-hi
(just kidding, anything looks good on a beauty)

Cats and Kittens

Piper being groomed... she likes it.... sometimes!
.... and Freja loves it... She is a sucker for a good brush-over.
And, tomorrow, we are going to look at kittens at Erica's house.
Maybe a new playmate for the two old ladies.....
Negotiations are in progress, with my "heart".
I want a new kitten, he is a little bit hesitant.
We will see.............

Kalmar scenery...... ( thanx to Camilla and Micke).... :-)

I like these kind of decorations.
This is from a sun-deck in Kalmar.
This old Oak-Tree is protected by the Evironmental Agency
in Sweden. It is probably more than 150 years old.
This is a nice way to display rocks.....
..... hanging on wire.
The funny thing is, that they all come with holes in them.
Natures own drill at work.
The water on the small beach was kind of foamy today,
maybe because of all the rain and wind during the night.
This is the same beach, 24 hours earlier. Nice and calm!
Looking out toward Öland... Long time since I have been there.
Maybe later on this summer, on a motorcycle.... YES!!
This picture is taken from a frogs-eye-view. I was very close to the
ground with the camera. These ferns are really only about 2 feet high.
It was real nice just to stand there and listen to the silence.
Another great picture, I am all alone in the woods.... wooo.... scary.... NOT!
Beautiful, isn't it?
This one, too!!
So thank you Camilla and Micke for letting us come to visit
Kalmar for a few days. It is nice to see the east coast of Sweden
once in a while, too.

Funny Sign.....!

This sign is posted outside an ice-cream kiosk in Karlskrona Sweden.
Hours of operation
all year 'round....
we open, most days around 8 or 9 in the morning,
Sometimes we open as early as 7 am,
but it can also happen that we open as late as 10 or 11...!
We roughly close as early as 4.30 pm or 5.15, or 3 pm
if we feel like it, depending on how we feel, we can stay open
as late as 8 pm.
Some mornings, days or nights we are not here at all,
and sometimes we are here ALL the time.
Except when we are somewhere else, but we really should
BE HERE....!!!!

happy again!

today is going to be a good day....
we are starting out on the east coast, going down south,
visit K's friends, then on to my neck of the woods...
Feeling good, weather is ok, in the car,
makes me feel happy and calm!!

miss this!!!

face-book my friends, are for the birds.... so silly!!!

And if you can't take a joke, then do not hang there.....!!!
Remember, just because it is on FB, does not mean it is the truth.
Oh what fun it is, to pull people's legs.
Facebook is NOT real life people, it is make-believe.
Grow up and get a life.
I am done with it..... for now, anyway!!
:-)  :-)

I miss you all!!!

I want to go back to the spot where this picture was taken,
there is nothing left for me here on this island.
Why even try, I am the bad person, all the time.....
the blame is always on me.
So, why even try.
I am done!
over and out.....

Life is good

At least I think it is... even though I have been fighting with my "heart"
today. Over stupid shit.
I am so happy that he is still with me.
To put up with my shit, my chatter, my crazy ideas, my ever-changing moods....
He is an angel.

back home, at last!

"You are far-away
beyond the sun-set
still so close
every moment, you are with me!"
Maybe I will stay put, this time.....

I miss this...... sooooooo, so much!!!

I do not know what to do about it...

want to go and just not come back no more....
But I do not want to leave my "heart" behind.....
He is very important in my life....

Today is a good day, a very good day...!!

Yesterday was a good day...
today is even better....
I believe it is because I have this blogg
to write in, to get things off my mind, and
stay in the present more often.
I also believe that my "heart" feels that I
am much happier since I started this adventure,
being a blogg-person, I mean.
So, THANK YOU BLOGG, you have probably
saved my relationsship and my life......!!

The sand of Time....

Now I finally left my footprints again on Miami Beach.
Felt like being a bit filosofical (how do you spell that word ??)
I am in a place where I really feel at home.
I wish I could move here..... someday, maybe.....
will explain later....
peace out....

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